

Art. No. 20017611

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

268,28 kr. 1


Maxvision Pinlock lens (GT6-1/GT6-2) suitable for the following helmet:

  • AGV K3 2.6

NOTE: Remove the protective film on the visor before use! See additional picture.

Pinlock visors - Optimal protection against the unpleasant fogging of the visor offers the Pinlock system. A fog-free Pinlock inner visor is attached to the correspondingly prepared Pinlock outer visor by means of two small pins. The sealed air chamber between the inner and outer visor guarantees a clear view and thus makes a decisive contribution to driving safety.

Think about your safety, never drive with a scratched or blind visor. Especially at night, the scrapes and scratches reflect the light of street lights and/or oncoming vehicles. Rain can exacerbate this effect. Never ride in the dark/at night with a dark visor. Replace a worn visor in a timely manner. Always take a spare visor with you on your vacation tour.

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